It was a friend, my ex-BNI Chapter member, who invited me. I told her how I have some friends in Lions but somehow they never invited me :-)
It's like when I was not yet a Christian a few years ago. I was studying various religions and was waiting for someone to invite me. It took an ex-colleague two years before he extended an invitation to me... It's really strange how things work.
Anyway...back to this first meeting which was conducted in a beautiful pre-war shop house in Tessensohn Road, Singapore. It's not a very big club but the members were closely knitted and committed to the cause which was much more important.
On that meeting, dinner was provided, coffee break and even a birthday cake for 3 of the members including my friend who invited me. In fact, she, along with 3 others, were actually inducted as new members that night. Plus, 2 visitors beside me actually committed to join on the spot!
Obviously, the pressure was on me :-) However, I know my own commitments and this is certainly not time yet for any additional commitment. My friend was very nice, very understanding and she said she'll not pressure me... Oh what a relief :-)
By chance, the District Governor (DG) was there who graced the occasion and gave a brief description of how Singapore, East and West Malaysia were divided into districts. She, a very graceful and long-serving lady, also gave a wonderful narration of those worldwide events where delegates come from many, many different countries and mentioned that the next is in Chicago and encouraged us to attend.
The meeting was conducted professionally by the President, Vice President and several community projects were discussed. And yet, the people were sincere and genuine. They kept it short and sweet and there was also good fellowship!
Oh yes, my friend's mom was also a long-standing lion who gave a roaring history of this club's formation....interesting.
Overall, it was a nice evening - an eye opener for me. At least, now I know what to expect when I'm ready to take on this social responsibilty as a human being. But now, first, wealth creation...that's what I dedicate these 5 years of my life to doing... other commitments can come later...